My name is Charlotte, but I'm very rarely called that. Most refer to me as CJ.
I am a massive fan of online shopping, makeup tutorials and bargain hunting, and love to read blogs on the subject. Blogs such as Victoria's Vintage, Hello, Terri Lowe and Vixen Vintage have been daily reads for me for a while, and their posts are so helpful I wanted to try to give something back, by starting my own little blog.
I go through phases in types of fashion I like to wear - the last couple of months have been all about pin-up styles, however this month I'm finding myself wearing more rock/grunge pieces. So, this blog is going to be a bit of a mash-up. Sorry about that.
Being a poor apprentice has meant me finding ways of fullfilling my shopping habits on a budget, which has turned me into a pretty good bargain hunter. Hopefully I'll be able to share some of these finds with you and same you some pennies. This includes honest reviews on products I may have tried - helping you to not make the same mistakes that I did.
I hope you enjoy the blog!