
A Simple Introduction

Today, I made a promise to myself that I would try something new, so here I am. A blog.

Not just a blog, but a fashion and beauty blog. Where the hell did this come from?

I'm neither a hairdresser, makeup artist, designer or stylist, and here I am, starting a blog based on all those things. Why? Because I bloody can, that's why!

Hi, my name's Charlotte Jewell, and I'm 20 (until next month). This will be my blog.

I will be reviewing makeup that I pick up along the way, being brutally honest about how amazing/crud it is. I'll post my outfits on days I think I don't look like a hump of crap, and when I get a new haircut, there'll be pictures. I'm also known as being a bargain hunter, so I'll be hopefully helping you save money.

Let's just pretend this first post was better than it was, and get going.
